Tuesday, January 11, 2011

mooBlog 11-1-2011: Reread the works of infuriation

I'm glad I keep a blog. It's important to remind one's self of the principles that we guide ourselves by. Thank god I reread this today, it's very helpful considering how things are at the moment. Anyway, this is a blog from 2008, I just wanted to repost it, because it's relevant.

mooBlog 15-9-08: Putting To Sleep A Lion

Current mood:crushed
Déjà vu is a stiffening emotion. It brings with it something optimistic, yet somehow sad. 'How is that possible?'

My mind rebels against the weather, the first spring day, the start of the warmth.

I can't express this thought correctly. I'm attempting to verbalize the idea that I've been here before. New people seem known. Locations seem familiar, like I've walked those streets before.

What does it mean? It's an unfair situation to be in.

I've grown tired of the old clichés; the repetition of rejection by this world. I've seen the love around me, offered to me even. What do I do with it? I let it slide away, forgotten like an old sepia photo in the back of a borrowed book. I'll probably end up regretting a lot of this. It's not my fault though. If those who I showed my true colours to actually cared enough to realise what I was risking by doing so, things would be different. I give and I give. I allow opportunities for people to know me, but no second chances though. I'm not gonna ever wait around. This is MY life. Waste my time and you'll never hear from me again. Ignore me, and YOU ARE ALREADY FORGOTTEN. No apologies for this, because this is me at my most honest.

1 comment:

Lucille Campbell said...

What's going on?? call me if you want to talk!!

- Lucy Campbell