Monday, December 21, 2009

Project: Life

Having just returned from several months overseas, the idea here is to write down the process I've been thinking of, in order to succeed at life. My time away from Oz allowed me to realize all that I have thought about life, and in turn, myself, cannot be quashed, but quite a different approach is needed. MooBlog, since its inception, has been all that has led up to this point, and knowing this, I can see where I went wrong. I focused on continually re-evaluating my perception of life. I tried to make my thoughts about the world around me concrete, so that things would be simpler. The problem with that is that it left many doors closed, as I attempted to change into something or someone, that I certainly was not. Here, I will do the whole 180 degrees thing, and stop thinking about it. That is, continually contemplating relationships etc. It does no-one any good. Instead, I will re-evaluate the actions of my life.
One wrong thing I have done though (and need to correct now,) is the understating of my friendships. In that regard, I've been completely selfish. A conversation (albeit very drunken) that I had with a friend a few nights ago, makes me ashamed now. I complained to him that ours was a one way friendship, and such a thing was annoying. It's a horrible thing I did, especially as I know that he's one of my best mates ever. Envy, it is said, is one of the seven deadly sins, and it's a crime which I am severely guilty of. For this reason, I need to stop thinking about it so much, and hone in on what actions makes one a man. I won't be a bad boy, they end up in jail. I won't be a nice guy, they finish last. I'm going to be a good man, they don't even need to compete.

The first part of the process is something that I thought I should try. The New Years Resolution. I've never done one, so I believe that this is the time. In this case, there will be two parts to this NYR; the New Years Resolution (short term goals) and the New Decade Resolution (long term goals.) In any case, I will not be disappointed if these don't eventuate, as I know not all of it is possible. At the very minimum, it's for me to finally focus on the 'doing' of life, and not the 'contemplating' of it. I call it 'Project: Life'

New Years Resolution:
  • Making fire without lighters, matches, flint, or magnifying glass, I.e rubbing wood together.
  • Learn to Rock 'n' Roll dance.
  • Learn to fight for defense.
  • Go scuba diving.
  • Learn to tie a bow-tie.
  • Host another party.
  • Find my great-grandfather's diary in the State Library and type it out.
  • Study for a minimum of 20 hours per week outside of university, (during the semesters.)
  • Plant a vegetable/herb garden
  • Send a live-music review to a Melbourne street-press magazine (irrespective of whether it is published.)
  • Find and obtain a part-time / holiday job which is more relevant to my career.
  • Determine a final-year project which I am interested in and begin the planning.

New Decade Resolution:
  • Learn to drive a tank.
  • Go to the Olympics in Rio.
  • Get a full suit made to fit at a tailor.
  • Learn to sail.
  • Buy a house.

As I've explained, not all of this will happen. The thing about NYRs is that they often don't. Some of these things are easy, which would make those things the ones I know I will achieve. Others I may not get to do, or need more time to complete. I hope to achieve it all, and more. It's the first time I've eradicated the need to continually change my opinion of the world. If I get the activities part down-pact, who knows what path it will lead me down?

Anyway guys, I hope you're all well, and I look forward to see as many of you, my friends, in the New Year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Love Moo

P.S: Anyone got any NYRs that they want to share?