Friday, July 15, 2011

mooBlog 15-7-2011: The music on the shuffle is becoming a pattern (oh) I don't know what that is.

Sometimes, when I'm sitting on the train, on the way to wherever it is that I am going, a song will play on my shuffle that pretty much changes my day.

This happened this morning, with two songs coming on one after the other. The first was "Empty Cans" by my favourite artist, The Streets. I thought I'd share the videos for the two, but realised that "Empty Cans" doesn't have a video. However, some brillo person made a Lego stop motion video interpretation, which is pretty wicked.

So there I was, all melancholy about the most ridiculous of things, but thought that instead of going down the path of self-loathing (again), I'd choose the path of self-loving. Was already feeling much better about life by this point.

The next song that came on was this.

And by the end of the song, I was almost embarrassed that I had gotten to a point where a song like this was needed to turn shit around for me.

Thanks Mike, thanks Robert.

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