Sunday, July 10, 2011

mooBlog 10-7-2011: Oh, the walls we build!

Everyone has their walls. Some people scream and shout. Others have more hidden methods, showing only what they need to in order to ensure their cards stay close to their chests. It's the reason why I say 'hmmm' when I'm know what I want to say would be interpreted wrongly. It's the reason I become defensive in words and aggressive in manner whenever someone offers an opinion that differs to mine. It's not a good thing at all. It's cost me a lot over the years. The thing is, I can personally see the faults in my personality. I have seen the way people react. Every single time I have to look closely at myself, and I say, "I will never do that again!" But, every time, I do it again. And I've had to watch people walk away from me because of it.
I guess what I'm saying is that everyone has their walls to defend their insecurities. I wish I didn't, and that I could say what I need to when I need to. Nevertheless, I'm left with, at the very least, knowledge of the path forward. I'm not talking about changing who I am, just how I am. I know I probably will get lost again, but at the very least I have hope that it won't happen.

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