You hold your head high because you think you taught me.
I hold mine high because I know all you say is lies.
You hold your head high because you see real doctors when sick.
I hold mine high because I survive without it.
You hold your head high because you control this society.
I hold mine high because WE have all the real power.
You hold your head high because you make your money without working.
I hold mine high because I earn all of mine.
When I see you enter your temple to check your fucking bank balance, I feel hatred.
To me, you are nothing but scum. Fucking bourgeois scum.
You hold your head so fucking high. One day I'll get a noose to hold it higher, you reactionary swine.
I hold mine high because I know all you say is lies.
You hold your head high because you see real doctors when sick.
I hold mine high because I survive without it.
You hold your head high because you control this society.
I hold mine high because WE have all the real power.
You hold your head high because you make your money without working.
I hold mine high because I earn all of mine.
When I see you enter your temple to check your fucking bank balance, I feel hatred.
To me, you are nothing but scum. Fucking bourgeois scum.
You hold your head so fucking high. One day I'll get a noose to hold it higher, you reactionary swine.