One wrong thing I have done though (and need to correct now,) is the understating of my friendships. In that regard, I've been completely selfish. A conversation (albeit very drunken) that I had with a friend a few nights ago, makes me ashamed now. I complained to him that ours was a one way friendship, and such a thing was annoying. It's a horrible thing I did, especially as I know that he's one of my best mates ever. Envy, it is said, is one of the seven deadly sins, and it's a crime which I am severely guilty of. For this reason, I need to stop thinking about it so much, and hone in on what actions makes one a man. I won't be a bad boy, they end up in jail. I won't be a nice guy, they finish last. I'm going to be a good man, they don't even need to compete.
The first part of the process is something that I thought I should try. The New Years Resolution. I've never done one, so I believe that this is the time. In this case, there will be two parts to this NYR; the New Years Resolution (short term goals) and the New Decade Resolution (long term goals.) In any case, I will not be disappointed if these don't eventuate, as I know not all of it is possible. At the very minimum, it's for me to finally focus on the 'doing' of life, and not the 'contemplating' of it. I call it 'Project: Life'
New Years Resolution:
- Making fire without lighters, matches, flint, or magnifying glass, I.e rubbing wood together.
- Learn to Rock 'n' Roll dance.
- Learn to fight for defense.
- Go scuba diving.
- Learn to tie a bow-tie.
- Host another party.
- Find my great-grandfather's diary in the State Library and type it out.
- Study for a minimum of 20 hours per week outside of university, (during the semesters.)
- Plant a vegetable/herb garden
- Send a live-music review to a Melbourne street-press magazine (irrespective of whether it is published.)
- Find and obtain a part-time / holiday job which is more relevant to my career.
- Determine a final-year project which I am interested in and begin the planning.
New Decade Resolution:
- Learn to drive a tank.
- Go to the Olympics in Rio.
- Get a full suit made to fit at a tailor.
- Learn to sail.
- Buy a house.
As I've explained, not all of this will happen. The thing about NYRs is that they often don't. Some of these things are easy, which would make those things the ones I know I will achieve. Others I may not get to do, or need more time to complete. I hope to achieve it all, and more. It's the first time I've eradicated the need to continually change my opinion of the world. If I get the activities part down-pact, who knows what path it will lead me down?
Anyway guys, I hope you're all well, and I look forward to see as many of you, my friends, in the New Year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Love Moo
P.S: Anyone got any NYRs that they want to share?